Wistaria Dental Practice

The property "Wistaria" is a Grade II listed building and is about 250 years old. It was formerly three weavers' cottages and was remodeled in the early nineteenth century to form one single dwelling. It is now a dental practice, but for the first five years it was our home as well and we hope that you will feel both welcome and relaxed in its homely atmosphere.

Residing above the front door is a unicorn which was present long before the property became a dental practice. There is also a large Wisteria* growing up the front of the property. It seemed only natural that the unicorn with a necklace of Wisteria should become the practice logo.

(*You may think the name of the house is spelled incorrectly since the plant is normally spelled "Wisteria". If you look in the Concise Oxford English Dictionary Eighth Edition [1990], you will see that there are two spellings for the name of the plant, "Wistaria" and "Wisteria". However, I was fortunate enough to view the Revised Edition [1929] in which the only spelling listed for the plant is "Wistaria". Therefore, at the time the house was named (over 100 years ago) this was the correct and only spelling. It would seem that the current, popular, spelling is a recent change - an Americanisation, perhaps?.)




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Copyright © 2006-2019 Wistaria Dental Practice
Last modified: 15-Jul-2020